

We need outlets for our opinions, inspirations and to showcase our talents.   Through this project we can express ourselves and our stories with vlogs, coffee chats, podcasts and community art projects.   Stay tuned for more!

Root Causes

Lets make a big community and share stories, information and showcase our art to enrich our community and culture. To do this we need more support from our sponsors.


The Lake Chat Project gives people a meeting place to discuss current issues, socialize, laugh, cry and express themselves.  It also gives people a chance to showcase their talents, arts projects, and sacred callings.


What is going on in this proposal:

Lake Life
Published 1683 Days ago by Christopher B |
Black Elk Connection
Published 1809 Days ago by The Admin |
Casual conversation among friends.
Chit chat on the lake
Published 1809 Days ago by Christopher B |
Hanging out talking about San Marcos and random thoughts. Featuring Maria and Dorothy! Video by C Burkey
Volcanoes and Virginia
Published 1809 Days ago by Christopher B |
Here is an art project we put together yesterday. Dreaming about the connection between water, volcanoes, earth and life itself. Credits: Virginia and Nicolas, music by Peia and LaUrenita. Cinematography by C Burkey